Bolton Crossing Elementary School

Follow us  on Twitter! Bolton Crossing ES                  


2695 Holt Road | Grove City, Ohio 43123

Phone: (614) 801-8275 | Fax: (614) 878-4037 | Attendance: (614) 801-8277 | Email:

Abby Miller, Principal

Office Secretaries:

Michelle Davis, 



Please see below for Arrival and Dismissal Procedures.  The safety of our students are the most important part of these procedures.  We need everyone to follow these rules to keep students safe.  

The highlights?  

Upcoming Important Dates:

March 31: Welcome Back from Spring Break! 

April 1 and 2: ELA OST testing 3rd grade

April 3 and 4: ELA OST testing 4th grade 

April 8: PTA Meeting, 6pm

April 8 and 9: OST Math Testing 3rd grade 

April 10 and 11: OST Math testing 4th grade 

April 18: Good Friday, NO SCHOOL

April 20: Easter

April 22: Earth Day 

May 1: Showcase Night!  K-2nd Grade 5-6pm, 2/3 split-4th grade 6-7pm

Arrival/Dismissal Procedures

Click on this link to see our arrival and dismissal procedures.

PTA Meetings

The 2nd Tuesday of every month  

6:00pm in our School Library 

or join us on Google Meet using the link below!

Google Meet joining info

Video call link:

Or dial: ‪(US) +1 401-753-9620‬ PIN: ‪796 491 483‬#

More phone numbers:


Keep your Infinite Campus Parent Portal information updated to get text, phone, and email updates!

Infinite Campus (IC) is the District’s Internet-based student information system. Important features of IC are the Parent Portal and NEW Mobile App. Through the IC tools, parents are able to access their child’s information, such as class schedules, attendance, academic reports, transportation information, coursework, and put funds in their child’s food service account online. Parents can also designate how and where they wish to receive emergency communications, attendance calls, general announcement messages, and e-mail messages from teachers, the school, and the school district. New accounts need an activation key. The district will be mailing those out in August, so save the letter if you need to create a new account.

To create an IC account, please go to:

If you already have an IC account, please update your emergency contact information at:


Registration for the 2025-2026 school year is open.

Please visit our District Website at to follow our step-by-step enrollment and registration process or call our Student Enrollment Center at (614) 801-6280 to speak with an enrollment specialist regarding registering your child to attend one of our schools. 

Upcoming Events:

Disability Accommodations (Po9160)

In accordance with State and Federal law, the District will provide reasonable accommodations to persons with disabilities who wish to attend and/or participate in school events (as listed above). Such individuals should notify the principal or athletic director if they require a reasonable accommodation.

Language Assistance Notification:

South-Western City Schools will take reasonable steps to ensure that persons with Limited English Proficiency (LEP) have meaningful access and an equal opportunity to participate in all services, activities, and programs available throughout the district. It is the policy of SWCSD to ensure meaningful communication with LEP students and families and to communicate information related to the education of all students.  All services needed to comply with this policy will be provided for students and their families in need of such assistance free of charge. For assistance, please call 614-801-8100.

En Español:

Las escuelas de South-Western City tomarán medidas razonables para garantizar que las personas con dominio limitado del inglés (LEP) tengan un acceso fácil y la misma oportunidad de participar en todos los servicios, actividades y programas disponibles en todo el distrito. La política de SWCSD es asegurar una comunicación significativa con los estudiantes LEP,  sus familias y comunicar información relacionada con la educación de todos los estudiantes. Todos los servicios necesarios para cumplir con esta política se proporcionarán a los estudiantes y sus familias que necesiten dicha asistencia de forma gratuita. Para obtener ayuda, llame al614-801-8100.


In Somali:

South-Western City Schools waxay qaadi doonaan talaabooyin macquul ah oo lagu hubsanayo in dadka luuqada ingiriisigu  ku yartahay (LEP) helaan marin macno u leh oo loogu simanyahay kaga qayb qaadashada dhamaan adeegyada, hawlaha, iyo barnaamijyada laga helo degmada. Waa xeer ay SWCSD ku hubinayso helitaanka xiriirka LEP ardayda iyo reerahooda macno u leh iyo sidii loogu kala war qaadan lahaa waxa ku saabsan tacliinta ardaydaydoo dhan. Dhamaan adeegyada ay is waafaqa xeerkaa waxa heli doona caawimadeeda ardayda iyo reeraha u baahan adeegaas oo ah bilaa lacag ah . Si aad u hesho adeegaas, fadlan wac 614-801-8100.


If your child will be absent from school, call the Bolton Crossing 24-hour attendance line at 614-801-8277. Leave a message with your child’s name, homeroom teacher, and reason for the absence. 

A student’s absences from school are excused by parent notification by phone for a maximum of nine (9) days. All other absences from school require additional verification or notification in order to be considered excused (i.e., doctor’s note). Pre-planned absences are considered part of the nine (9) days. If the school does not receive appropriate notification, the absence will be considered unexcused. All notification of absences from school must be provided to the school attendance office within two (2) school days of the student’s return to school. If notification is not provided within this time period, the absence is considered unexcused. Student Code of Conduct 

Car Rider Safety 

Safety is our number one priority when students are dropped off or picked up as car riders. Please remember to drive slowly, watch for pedestrians in the crosswalks, and maintain a single file line of cars. For the past week, we have had our 4th grade car helpers assisting your children out of their cars in the morning. They are there to open doors, help with seat belts and car seats, backpacks and lunch boxes. Follow the link below to visit our car rider procedures. 

Car Rider Procedure 

Transportation Changes 

Whether your child rides the bus, is a car rider, or a walker, a note needs to be 

sent into school indicating the changes for your child. This is for your childʼs safety. 

Please inform the school in advance if you need busing changes. If you have made plans to pick up your student by car, or another member of your family plans to do so, a note stating this would be much appreciated. All request must be made to the school by 2:00 PM.

Where’s My Bus? Download STOP Finder 

As a reminder, be at your bus stop at least 5 minutes before the scheduled time. Buses can run behind schedule at 

the start of school. Please do your part by being on time. Kindergarten students will not be dropped off if a parent is 

not present at the bus stop. Please be waiting for your child at the stop at least 5 minutes prior to drop off time. With the StopFinder app, families can receive real-time information on the location of their student’s bus by creating their own GeoAlert zones around their student's bus route. Set up a zone for when the bus enters your neighborhood, the caregiver's location, when the bus enters the school campus area, or is two stops away...families can set up the fields relevant to their schedule and can track their student's bus through the secure StopFinder app in the Google Play and Apple App Store. 

Key Features of the STOPFinder App: 

★ Receiving push notifications to your smartphone, smartwatch, or tablet for when the bus enters a "zone" you set up around your neighborhood, school, babysitter, or daycare. 

★ The ability to "share" your child's route with an older sibling, babysitter, spouse, grandparent, or another custom adult of your choosing. Ready to get started with StopFinder Click Here 

Ready to get started with StopFinder? Click Here. 

Bolton Crossing PTA 

PTA meetings are held on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. in the BCES library. You can join our meetings virtually by using the information below. 

Google Meet joining info 

Video call link: 

Or dial: (US) +1 401-753-9620 PIN: 796 491 483# 

More phone numbers: 

A yearly PTA membership is $6.00 and can be paid in person at PTA meetings or at the Sweet Treat and Greet Event. Parents can also join and pay online using the form below. If you wish to contact the PTA, you may send an email to:

Join the BCES PTA online!

No School Fee for the 2024-2025 School Year 

The South-Western City School District Board of Education voted to not charge an instructional fee for the 2024-2025 school year. 

Free and Reduced-Price Meals 

Your children may qualify for Free or Reduced-Price meals. If your family believes that they might qualify, please complete a Free and Reduced-Price Meal Application. Your child's application is only valid for one school year and the first few days of the start of the next school year. Thus, applications must be completed every year. Submitting an application early helps to prevent accruing negative balances that you are responsible for. 

Paper applications are available in each school building and the district Food Services Department located at 3805 Marlane Drive, Grove City, Ohio 43123. You can also complete an application online through Infinite Campus at 

What is the cost for school breakfast and lunch for the 2024-2025 school year? The cost for school breakfast and lunch will return to the pre-pandemic cost. For elementary schools, breakfast is $1.00 and Lunch is $2.60. 

Visitor Sign-Ins 

If you are visiting your child or their classroom during the school day, it is important that you sign in at the office and get a visitor’s badge before going to other parts of the building. The students are independent now at finding their classrooms on their own each morning and no longer need parents or older siblings walking them to their rooms. Badges help us know that you are “official” and we have a record of you being in the building. Thank you for helping us keep our school safe and secure by following these guidelines. 

Infinite Campus Parent Portal 

One of the important features of Infinite Campus is the Campus Parent Portal. The Portal is available to every parent/guardian of a student enrolled within the South-Western City School District. Through the Portal, parents are able to access their students' information, such as class schedules, coursework, attendance and academic reports via the Internet. Parents will also be able to submit updates to emergency and family contact information via the Portal. Parents can also determine how and where they wish to receive emergency communications, attendance calls, general announcement messages, and e-mail messages from teachers, school and the district, as well as update emergency contact information. 

Parents receive their Campus Portal Activation Key in the Back to School Letter mailed home in mid-August, prior to the start of school. Please keep this letter in a safe location and do not share your Activation Key with anyone - even your children. 

To initially set up your child and/or parent account(s), please use the step-by-step guide, found here. If you set-up your child and/or parent accounts during a previous school year, you will not need to change any of the information this school year to access your child's information. However, you will need to complete the Annual Information Update every year to review the "Contact Preferences" area of your account to specify how and where you wish to receive home-school communications (including school closing notices) and update the emergency contact information

If you no longer have your Activation Key, please contact your child's school for parent and/or student Activation Key information. You will need to provide the appropriate identification before the school will release this confidential information to you. Again, please keep this information in a safe place and do not share it with anyone else. 

BCES Language Support Info for Families 

Procedimiento SWCSD para obtener asistencia con el idioma para Bolton Crossing ES: En Español: 

Las escuelas de South-Western City tomarán medidas razonables para garantizar que las personas con dominio limitado del inglés (LEP) tengan un acceso fácil y la misma oportunidad de participar en todos los servicios, actividades y programas disponibles en todo el distrito. La política de SWCSD es asegurar una 

comunicación significativa con los estudiantes LEP, sus familias y comunicar información relacionada con la educación de todos los estudiantes. Todos los servicios necesarios para cumplir con esta política se proporcionarán a los estudiantes y sus familias que necesiten dicha asistencia de forma gratuita. Para obtener ayuda, llame al 614-801-8284 o 614-801-8414

Nidaamka SWCSD ee Hubinta Caawinta Luqadda ee Bolton Crossing ES: 

In Soomali: 

South-Western City Schools waxay qaadi doonaan talaabooyin macquul ah oo lagu hubsanayo in dadka luuqada ingiriisigu ku yartahay (LEP) helaan marin macno u leh oo loogu simanyahay kaga qayb qaadashada dhamaan adeegyada, hawlaha, iyo barnaamijyada laga helo degmada. Waa xeer ay SWCSD ku hubinayso helitaanka xiriirka LEP ardayda iyo reerahooda macno u leh iyo sidii loogu kala war qaadan lahaa waxa ku saabsan tacliinta ardaydaydoo dhan. Dhamaan adeegyada ay is waafaqa xeerkaa waxa heli doona

caawimadeeda ardayda iyo reeraha u baahan adeegaas oo ah bilaa lacag ah . Si aad u hesho adeegaas, fadlan wac 614-801-8605 / 614-801-8286. 

Процедура SWCSD для отримання мовної допомоги для Bolton Crossing ES: Українською мовою: Школи Південно-Західного міста вживатимуть розумних заходів для того, щоб особи з обмеженим знанням англійської мови (LEP) мали легкий доступ і рівні можливості брати участь у всіх послугах, заходах і програмах, доступних по всьому округу. Політика SWCSD полягає в тому, щоб забезпечити змістовне спілкування з учнями LEP, їхніми родинами, а також передавати інформацію, пов’язану з освітою всіх учнів. Усі послуги, необхідні для дотримання цієї політики, будуть надаватися студентам та їхнім родинам, які потребують такої допомоги, безкоштовно. Щоб отримати допомогу, телефонуйте за номером 614-801-6533. 

Holh cawnnak le he peh thali in theih a herh mi pawl Bolton Crossing ES: South Western City sianginn lei nih thleidan nak um lo tein a hman ning tein, ahreh mi sia hnagchai pakhat cio caah mirnag ca cawn nak( LEP) lei kong ah a hua poah cawn khawh le i tel khawh ding in kan tuah i. District lei nih tuah mi nawl phung zulh ding mi pawl sia hngakchai pakhat cio ca ah sianginn lei in kan in chawn te hna lai. Mah mirang ca cawn a hreh mi sai hngakchai nu le pa nih bia hal nak nan ngei cun zei tik caan poah ah hal khawh a si. Mah mirang ca cawn nak(LEP) zong cu a lak in cawn a si lai. Mah phone number ah nan rak call peng khawh bawmh nan hreh ahcun 614-801-8096. 

Ms. Morales 614-801-8284 

Mr. Mohamed 614-801-8605 

Medication at School 

For school personnel to administer medication at school (prescription and non-prescription), a MEDICATION PERMISSION AND INSTRUCTION FORM must be completed and returned BEFORE that medication can be given. This form must be signed by BOTH parent and doctor indicating the name of medication, time to be taken, amount to be taken, route of administration, and possible side effects. 

All medication must be received in the container in which it was dispensed. Your pharmacist will prepare another labeled bottle if you ask (envelopes, etc are not acceptable). According to Board Policy, students are not permitted to bring any medications to school. An adult must transport medication to the building.

Food Consumption at School 

Our schools are faced with the growing issue of children who have specific food allergies. Some food allergies can be life-threatening for children. Some children with food allergies are affected not only by the food itself, but also by the smell of certain foods. For the safety of all of our children, all South-Western City School District (SWCSD) elementary schools have implemented the following precautions: While we are pleased to celebrate with your child on his/her birthday, all SWCSD elementary schools WILL NOT ACCEPT cupcakes, cookies, candy, or any other birthday party foods to be distributed during class time. 

○ The office will recognize your child’s birthday in a personal way, through school announcements. ○ You are more than welcome to send in small non-food items to be shared with classmates, and YOUR child may enjoy a special treat, at lunch, for themselves that you may send or bring to school. 

○ Balloons or other arrangements larger than your child’s backpack are not appropriate for school and are not allowed on the school bus. 

Title I School 

Your Right to View Teacher Qualifications 

Under the No Child Left Behind Education Reform Act, parents have the right to request information regarding the qualifications of their student’s classroom teacher including: 

1. If the teacher has met state qualification and licensing criteria for the grade level taught; 2. If the teacher is teaching under emergency or provisional status; 

3. The teacher’s baccalaureate degree major, certification, and field of discipline; 

4. Whether the student is provided services by a paraprofessional and if so, their qualifications.

Sticker & Pencil Machine 

Students can purchase stickers or pencils from the machines located in the office. There are eight options to choose from for just $0.50 each. Students must have exact change, (two quarters) to use the machine.

We cannot make change. 

All proceeds from the machines benefit the “Principal’s Fund”. This fund is used to purchase student virtue prizes, supplement student field trips and other school activities. 

Below are the days they may visit the office to make their purchase. 

Monday - KG 

Tuesday - 1st 

Wednesday - 2nd 

Thursday - 3rd 

Friday - 4th